The biggest secret to finishing everything you start, know why you started | Wanjūhī Njoroge

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The biggest secret to finishing everything you start, know why you started

Listen in as GOEL speaker, Ms. Wanjūhī Njoroge, speaks about the biggest secret to finishing whatever you start. In her talk, she gives a beautiful story of her humble beginnings and mentions from her life lessons, that if one does know why they started , they will never finish anything in life. This is a talk you will love to learn from.

About the speaker

Wanjūhī is the Founder & President of Nelig Group and RootEd Africa. RootEd Africa works with schools and local communities to raise a generation of coders, programmers and innovators creating employment through online jobs, as well as opening up villages through digital markets. Through RootEd Africa, Wanjūhī has partnered with Safaricom to set up the first modern library in Kabaru village in Nyeri, Central Kenya that targets 1000 students. She is also part of the Internet for All Project by the World Economic Forum in the Northern Corridor that seeks to connect 25 million people in the next 3 years.